How Call Tracking Works - MyCallIQ
30 Day TRIAL

How It Works

How Call iQ Works
A Simple 5-Step Process
Place A Unique Phone

Number On Each Ad

We give you a new phone number for each advertisement you have. We’ll use a different one for a radio ad, for a billboard, for your website, and more, if desired.

Receive Phone Calls

When a customer calls, the call passes through our data center allowing us to record and capture everything about the call.

Analyse the results

After  all that, you can look at your call analytics to see for yourself which marketing strategies are more effective for your business.

Make adjustments

Making adjustments by reallocating your marketing budget towards what’s working and away from what’s not.


Don’t worry; your customers won’t even notice that their calls are being routed through Call iQ. The whole process only takes a few extra seconds.

The Benefits of Getting Call iQ Phone Numbers

Having call tracking for your company will completely transform the way you do marketing. Instead of sitting around a table with your marketing team wondering what types of advertising would be best, you can bring concrete proof to the table and reallocate the marketing dollars your business is spending as necessary.

Stop spending marketing dollars that aren’t going to help your business; talk to Call iQ today!